Installing AirDog 150


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I just recieved my AD 150 from Anthony on monday. Might work on getting it installed tomorrow or monday night.. I have been doing alot of reading on a couple other forums too, and i hear a lot of different opinions on the install. as far as where to stick the draw straw and how to do it... Using stock canister and getting a Liberty canister.... i have no clue.. Also, what do you all think of plumbing into the stock fuel canister for the fuel heater and then extra filtration that is IMO wont need after the AD, so is the fuel heater really worth it, or just do like the directions say and just hook the AD straight to the CP3.. Thanks in advance!
Just go with the directions. But if you do go to the canister take out the stock filter. We have had to do this with trucks that have factory exhaust brakes do to fitting space and have had no issues.