Intro & minimaxx timing question

Yeah, it's a pain to access for the most part. Just a heads up when you do the 1000 mile service, 14 quarts if you drain the convertor, LOTS OF RAGS, No nice clothes....period. I underestimated the job, ruined a decent shirt/jeans, and was nowhere near prepared for the amount of drippage and splashing working on it in a driveway
Well the drain plug makes it a lot easier. It was a mess when I had to drop the stock pan to put in a BW solenoid. Maybe ill be able to figure it out.

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It does, but as soon as i took my filter off it poured another quart or two quickly
Oh ok man thanks for the advice, guess my timing thread turned into a Firepunk thread lol

Sent from my iCummins
Lol well you're the only one Giving me advice. Guess ill just leave it on default and hot or wild

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