Knocking noise and bad shaking


Nov 12, 2008
Went to a graduation last night and about 1 hour later get back into truck. Start it and HOLY $HIT!!! It was knocking very bad and shaking all over the place. I thought it was white smoke but guess this morning once it got home. Found out it was black smoke.

I thought it dropped a valve seat. Called Browns Diesel and talked to Erick. He told me to put up some videos for him to see some stuff. I have a few things that it can be. Injector bodies, electrical issue, valve seat dropped, or a effed up FCA.

I really don't have the money to fix it anymore. I am tired of this thing as of now. I've replaced about everything underneath and on top of this truck. The only thing left is the motor which I was going to build starting September when I have money saved.



YouTube - FordAssassin having more problems

YouTube - FordAssassin acting up
One of the first things I always do is pull the plug to the FCA and see if that changes the way it sounds...

May or may not be a good idea, but it's helped me eliminate some options in the past.
Pretty sure its a valve seat. Pull the cover and check valve lash, if one is way different there is your problem. If their is any doubt, pull rockers and injectors (may be having them tested anyway) lay a straight edge across the valve stems you'll notice a difference right away if it is one. I've dropped 3 seats on my 04 555 motor, all were fine until shut off and restarted. Happened like a light switch. The first 2 the motor was missing and knocking when the piston was hitting the valve(pretty well stock motor) The last one my pistons are shaved enough to where their was no contact, so the motor was quiet, just missing and shaking. On the last I also had ddp180 injectors in it so when it was missing their was smoke coming out of the pipe more than normal at an idle.
Sure sounds like a dropped valve seat to me. Can you hear any puffing comeing from the air filter.
Figured it out.


But my question is, why did it do it after sitting for 40 minutes? Maybe because the coolant rises after turning truck off? Because the whole valve cover had coolant inside of it and its inside the motor. I just got done doing a coolant pressure test.

The water is coming out of exhaust ports, when pressurized and started.





Which cylinder? I would be surprised if it was a head gasket. Cracked cylinder is more likely, given how you said it happened. Were you running antifreeze?

Nope, I was running distilled water since I just changed my radiator. The water/oil leak seems to be coming out of exhaust ports. I only have the top of the truck apart. I will know by tomorrow.


I hope so too. I hope the bottom end is doing okay because I really don't have any money at the moment to even touch the truck.
After so many miles on the truck. The motor looks great!!! Got to say the 5-40 Schaffers really did its thing in my motor and the rest of it looks amazing except #4 Pistons. Looks like something got into the cylinder and caused a lot of damage on the piston/head. The #4 injector tube is stuck and I can't get it out for the sake of my life. Maybe something is stuck in injector connecting tube causing it to not pop out?














Something went through the turbo as well. Whatever was in Cylinder #4 had to have gone through the turbo to bend/shred the exhaust side fin up.
Ouch. Thats a sinking feeling I know. But now you've got a chance to have a ported head and better rods!
I've been looking at your build for a bit.I really don't have the money to take the whole motor out and do 12v rods and a cam.Porting head and enlarged seats are a for sure.Turbo I don't even know about yet what to do on the exhaust wheel.

I was thinking maybe just lift motor enough to dropbpan and do a swap inside the engine bay.Is that even possible?
That sucks Joey. I hate to hear about crap like this. I have the head off my 03 if you need one. I'll give you a heck of a deal on it. It will need seats and surfaced but should not need much more. Sorry about your luck and keep us posted if you figure out what caused the damage.
