Laptop + Camera bag


Jan 1, 2007
I am in need of a bag/backpack for a 17" + laptop and my D70 with room for a few lenses and such. I'm thinking of this bag right here but I figured I would see if any of the fellow photards in here had some advice and experience.
I don't have a combo backpack yet... but that one looks pretty nice. I wonder about the orientation of the camera and gear though, it does not look as stable as others I have seen, most seem to orient the camera and lenses top to bottom not sideways if you know what I mean... I tell you what though, the camera surely won't fall out or get stolen while you are wearing the pack!

I use a Canon photo backpack that fits my camera, flash, three lenses and accessories easily but it does not have a laptop slot. I am still looking for a good travel laptop and new backpack after that... I also have room in my current pack for another body and another lens or two if needed, and I think a netbook would fit fine in it and I am seriously considering buying one of those just for travel and to download, transfer and display photos when needed...
I don't have a combo backpack yet... but that one looks pretty nice. I wonder about the orientation of the camera and gear though, it does not look as stable as others I have seen, most seem to orient the camera and lenses top to bottom not sideways if you know what I mean... I tell you what though, the camera surely won't fall out or get stolen while you are wearing the pack!

I use a Canon photo backpack that fits my camera, flash, three lenses and accessories easily but it does not have a laptop slot. I am still looking for a good travel laptop and new backpack after that... I also have room in my current pack for another body and another lens or two if needed, and I think a netbook would fit fine in it and I am seriously considering buying one of those just for travel and to download, transfer and display photos when needed...

The orientation was one of my only concerns about it. I will be doing a lot of flying so I need something to keep up with that. Hotel rooms are my new home so I'd like to keep my full size laptop so I can do some editing and everything else in the room when I get the chance for a day off to go snap some pics.
Ya, I think at that price range and with a lot of travel in your plans I would probably go a more tried and true route with a Lowpro or something like that... Or atleast buy it from somewhere with a good return policy in case it just doesn't agree with you and your gear...
I've pondered going this route, and came to the conclusion that I don't want my laptop on my back at all times.