Lets talk NOS and sledpulling


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Aug 4, 2011
Please, no flaming, no arguing, just looking for opinions. Adult opinions. I hear people tell me that there are some smaller organizations/clubs allowing Nitrous. Obviously most of the biggest organizations dont allow it.

Can anyone name any successful organizations that allow spraying and continue to prosper? Can anyone provide some examples of clubs or organizations that failed as a result of allowing nitrous?

In a nutshell, we are trying to shake the giggle gas around these parts and folks just don't seem to want to subscribe. :doh:
There's a group in middle Va. that allows it, their only diesel class is a RWYB. I think the only limits are 8050lbs, 24" hitch height and one ton driveline. They don't care if the diesel trucks pull or not (huge gasser classes) but the class has been around for some time. Works out ok, it lets the guys on a small budget keep up with the guys that don't have one
Maybe i would have gotten more replies if i just said Flame away? :bang

Apparently getting truck pullers to talk about nitrous is like trying to get bible thumpers to talk about porn?
I think the issue is due to recent events people are thinking the thread is a joke.
I run with the fpp in here in ohio . we are not aloud to run nos on the diesel trucks. but on the gas trucks in the class are aloud to spray.... this is the first year for this ...
I run with the fpp in here in ohio . we are not aloud to run nos on the diesel trucks. but on the gas trucks in the class are aloud to spray.... this is the first year for this ...

Your talking about the FPP RWYB? Didn't a couple gassers dominate that last year?
yes and yes they did. rules have changed a lot tho. its pretty much a pro class now. cut tires tube chassis and fiberglass bodies are aloud. diesels are aloud up to 3 turbos and gassers are aloud blowers and nos
I thought at one time TS allowed nitrous?


I believe at the time TS was a big supplier of nitrous and nitrous related equipment. As a business and supplier of nitrous, I think they didn't want to alienate their customers that they sold nitrous equipment to (which makes sense).

Some people said they would get a larger following if they did not allow it and were basically laughed at. As time went on and they saw what other truck pulling organizations were doing and the caliber of trucks (not running nitrous), they changed their minds. It seems that was a very good decision for them.

I believe at the time TS was a big supplier of nitrous and nitrous related equipment. As a business and supplier of nitrous, I think they didn't want to alienate their customers that they sold nitrous equipment to (which makes sense).

Some people said they would get a larger following if they did not allow it and were basically laughed at. As time went on and they saw what other truck pulling organizations were doing and the caliber of trucks (not running nitrous), they changed their minds. It seems that was a very good decision for them.
If you want a good laugh, then read the part about nitrous and nitrous related equipment in a hank hill voice.
yes and yes they did. rules have changed a lot tho. its pretty much a pro class now. cut tires tube chassis and fiberglass bodies are aloud. diesels are aloud up to 3 turbos and gassers are aloud blowers and nos

The class is pretty exciting to watch. Here's the full list of rules.
Calss Rules...
Pullers generally thumb their nose at NOS but really, it's a power adder like anything else, so who cares? I think we're stuck in a mindset that "it's always been this way" and that's the end of it for some people. Some folks will probably raise the safety flag but I don't know how valid that really is.

If it ever got to the point where the gubmint wants the smoke to clear up, NOS is probably the only way it will ever happen.
This will give you an idea of the caliber of trucks that pull in the class.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjBguYmzwLg"]FPP, RWYB, Gas vs. Diesel, Mercer, Pa 5/26/13 - YouTube[/ame]
Pullers generally thumb their nose at NOS but really, it's a power adder like anything else, so who cares? I think we're stuck in a mindset that "it's always been this way" and that's the end of it for some people. Some folks will probably raise the safety flag but I don't know how valid that really is.

If it ever got to the point where the gubmint wants the smoke to clear up, NOS is probably the only way it will ever happen.

For the past several years that has probably been the mindset, but I've seen enough IDIOTS blow aparts motors and intakes from improper use of the stuff. It was said (could have just been lip service at the time), that it was an insurance liability and some venues would not pulls that used it years ago. Again, don't know how true that was but I had been in the stands as a kid (pre high school) when a guy blew the intake into pieces and through his hood. I did not know them at the time, but I became friends with them over the years when I started pulling. Sitting around working on our transfer sled one night and having a few brews and sharing stories, they told me it was because they were using nitrous (and thought they had a clue what they were doing).

They also shared stories of other nitrous mishaps they had as well as others in the 80's. I guess that is where the stigma came from. Used correctly it's a great tool, but used incorrectly (or if a solenoid malfunctions) it can become a bomb. I think that most people forget or don't realize it.

Just google nitrous explosion or nitrous backfire and enjoy the show. I'm willing to bet that is why most pulling orgs and even promotors have chosen to not allow it. Anyone who has tried to procure insurance for a pulling org or an event knows insurance is high enough without adding risk factors too it.
For the past several years that has probably been the mindset, but I've seen enough IDIOTS blow aparts motors and intakes from improper use of the stuff. It was said (could have just been lip service at the time), that it was an insurance liability and some venues would not pulls that used it years ago. Again, don't know how true that was but I had been in the stands as a kid (pre high school) when a guy blew the intake into pieces and through his hood. I did not know them at the time, but I became friends with them over the years when I started pulling. Sitting around working on our transfer sled one night and having a few brews and sharing stories, they told me it was because they were using nitrous (and thought they had a clue what they were doing).

They also shared stories of other nitrous mishaps they had as well as others in the 80's. I guess that is where the stigma came from. Used correctly it's a great tool, but used incorrectly (or if a solenoid malfunctions) it can become a bomb. I think that most people forget or don't realize it.

Just google nitrous explosion or nitrous backfire and enjoy the show. I'm willing to bet that is why most pulling orgs and even promotors have chosen to not allow it. Anyone who has tried to procure insurance for a pulling org or an event knows insurance is high enough without adding risk factors too it.

Im not familiar with the dollar figures, but i was led to believe the insurance is a non issue.

I personally think Padmax hit the nail on the head.
I'm split on the safety issue. If the goal is to reduce risk to zero, then stop all motorsports, period.

On the other hand, if the crowd wants explosions, give 'em explosions. Would it help weed out the idiot pullers? LOL

Nascar fans still go to restrictor plate tracks by the hundreds of thousands.....
I'm split on the safety issue. If the goal is to reduce risk to zero, then stop all motorsports, period.

On the other hand, if the crowd wants explosions, give 'em explosions. Would it help weed out the idiot pullers? LOL

Nascar fans still go to restrictor plate tracks by the hundreds of thousands.....

If the inspection on the bottle is up to date, there is a blow down tube or the bottle isn't mounted in the cab it should be plenty safe as far as causing bodily harm. Broken trucks IMHO are the pullers problem.

The fans for the most part CGARA, they just want a show.

Please keep the opinions rolling guys. I truthfully expected alot more anti NOS sentiment.