Look out.. A new GIRL here!


Probably not to much you wouldn't roll with...raise your standards.

I like this girl already. She's got CompD figured out. :welcome: to CompD.

Found hers. But it ls private. Tis just fine. Theres good enough ones on here! Lol

You could always just ask to be her friend, then it's not really stalking until you drive to Michigan and ask around about her.
Bad part is I don't know half of them. I usually accept everybody and first sign on being a douchebag I delete them.

Sweet! I haven't been deleted yet. That's great cuz I really enjoy your craigslist posts.
I do have standards, Thats why I liked the slimfast crack...
You must like rolling with crack *****s if you think she needs slimfast then dude...Either that or you have some severe reverse beer goggle effect going on.

But to each there own...you can keep the methhead types...