Master Rules or When Pigs Fly?


Here to learn
May 10, 2006
As has been the case for as many years as I can remember, from trucks to tractors, from entry level to mod, it seems that there has been no "consensus" on rules.

Every year clubs/organizations vote and change this rule or that rule and one pulling organization that is minutes away from another has different rules and one guy can pull in one and not the other and vice versa, etc.

The biggest stumbling block is everyone tends to think their rules are the best or advocate their rules (or the rules of their club) because they don't want to have to change their truck/tractor yet again and I don't blame them as it can get pretty expensive. Also finding out what you need to change in January for April sucks as sometimes it involves a decent amount of $$$.

One of the big issues I see is we tend to change things in the offseason and people need to adjust for the following year. Each club votes on different rules as different times and it's tough to coordinate. By the time you get everyone on the same page it's too late and you lose pullers because they don't have the time or the $$$ to make the changes.

Over the years I have seen many pullers try to unite different groups only to wind up frustrated (been there myself). Now I know there will never be 100% acceptance but I was wondering if we got different pulling associations to "Pledge" that they would accept a ruling a couple years in the future (to allow clubs and pullers time to adjust) by an indepedent rule maker. Say a group meets this year and comes up with rules for 2012 and that's the first year they take effect. It would give pullers approx. 2 years to plan and save $$ if needed. The first year's rules might be a little dated (depending on technology), but that is easily remedied in the second year (and everyone is still on the same playing field so there would be no advantage/disadvantage).

Many organizations set rules, payouts, contracts, etc., etc. Each organization could set their own purse (as each entity has it's own financial issues), number of pulls, location of pulls, decide what classes to have at each pull, etc., but they would follow the "Master Rules".

The organizing body that sets these rules would be independent of any pulling organization although it would be made of representatives from all across the country. The concern of the body would be to have rules that would benefit the sport of pulling (not one organization over the other). I would almost like to see it be "technical" experts rather than pullers as pullers are often too biased and have a hard time looking at the big picture.

Many clubs end up changing their rules to suit a select few (which may make the class grow temporarily in that region), but it winds up kicking them in the pants years down the road (as the class folds).

Having a rule standard would be easier to tech as EVERYONE knows what is legit and what isn't, it would matter where you pull, or even if you were forced to move (loss of job, divorce, etc. etc.) to a different portion of the country. No more making a 4 hour trek only to find out you can't pull.

It also takes some of the burden off of organizations as they will not be accused of creating rules to cater to one group and/or deter another.

The BIGGEST asset of doing this would be for promotors. With a universal set of rules, they can be assured of a larger number of pullers (and a larger number of fans), which leads to more events and higher purses :rockwoot:

The only reason I could see organizations not adopting this is if they or someone had a personal agenda, is currently cheating, and/or products to pimp that aren't allowed. Adopting a universal set of rules might exclude certain types of turbos (although now they could concentrate on making ones that meet the new rules), NOS, etc. so it may have an impact on a few vendors. While I would hate to see any vendor affected that supports the vehicles used in truck pulling, it shouldn't ruin their business, and if they are smart, they could take advantage of the new rules and create products to suit them.

Thoughts???? Or is this like waiting for pigs to fly.
pigs fly im thinkin, cause basically every new club that pops up in any given area gets started by somebody who got pissed off at the last club and wants there own so they can make there own rules and do there own thing, so you'll never get the rivals to agree on anything
Thats the problem one person gets it handed to him everyweekend then goes and starts his own club so he can win. I mean i agree on the making a 4 hour drive just to find out you cant pull beause of either membership or not all the required safety equip. but if places are going to advertise their pulls on the internet they should say weather or not you have to be a member to hook ive been may places and was truned away because i didnt have a 200 dollar a year membership with a group that i would only usually pull with once a year. Something needs to be done on the rules for sure but i would cary a big umbrella to avoid flying pig sh*t
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We have two associations, with a dozen classes give or take from tractor to truck

These two associations realize there are only one set of pullers for each class in the our area and understand that if the stands are to be full, and the class is to be full, they cant be making two sets of rules and expect a class to comply from oen day to the next depending on the association

Each class decides its own rules, and make thier own rules changes by vote of only the registered class members, which are then presented to and approved by, the executive(s) at a general meeting, provided they are safe and reasonable changes.

As to membership requirements, both of our associations have a day hook fee ($5-$25 depending on location and club) which doesnt require a full membership just so that people can run one or two hooks here n there

Seems to work rather well, you dont have outsiders makin individual class rules, and anyone can afford to run a couple hooks.
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Now you guys know when someone wants to use NADM rules and become an affiliate, EXCEPT change this or that, I tell them no.
so you'll never get the rivals to agree on anything

I know group A will never go by group B's rules or vice versa. Even if it makes sense some won't do it just based on pride/principle. That being said, I think it's easier to come up with a set of rules from an independent group C and get buy in from both A and B LONG before they would go with the "other club's" rules.

Will it ever happen (I definitely have my umbrella open)?
Now you guys know when someone wants to use NADM rules and become an affiliate, EXCEPT change this or that, I tell them no.

I'm glad there are groups that stick to their guns rather than giving in to a few......that being said, if we could get 90% of the "other" larger organizations to buy in, would NADM follow (it might mean a difference in rules)?

Everyone preaches uniformity and unity, but only when it's their ideals. I would like to see ego's/pride set aside (EVERY organization has some) and for people to take a leap of faith. By setting a date in the not-so-near future, it would lessen the "blow" from whatever changes are needed.

There would be growing pains and some ticked off pullers/clubs at first (unavoidable, as even as it is there is ticked off people/clubs), but after the initial hit, I think it would take the sport of pulling to the next level. Even if we only got buy-in from truck classes at first (instead of trying to do tractors and trucks). Let the truck guys show how it's done and how pulling could/should be.

I guarantee if we got buy-in from the major organizations, there would be alot more $$$ to be spread around by promotors and even the fans. It would make for a huge opportunity for vendors to cash in on the uniformity (some now make products for a select few, whereas they could concentrate and make products for the masses). Competition would be closer (I know it would suck for the current "bullies" in certain classes), but it would give spectators something to come back for as the same truck(s) are not dominating the class. Who wants to pay $$ to watch the same truck win or pay $$ to watch when you KNOW which truck will win. This gives incentive for fans and promotors and makes for a much better points race across the board.

Again it's going to be alot of :bang, but I for one am willing to do it if it makes the sport grow as long as there is initial buy in from the big boys......