Modified CP3

The twin Cp3 is an easy install. The bent Rods that follow take a little more time. I know of a few truck's that have lived a long time with the extra pump. Not the case with me. So, nothing is for sure. Just use caution if you are thinking about it.
It doesn't look hard, we didn't install it, but it took them 8 hours, but a good person can do it in 3.
duramaxxin73 said:
Was it hard to install? How long did it take?
It takes a lot less time than taking the stock CP3 off. That requires the front timing cover to be removed, and everything in front of it! See a crap pile of work.
Thank you to Tomac.

To clarify. You do not need to pull the front timing cover to unbolt the CP3. Both my engines I did because the CP3 was rust to the bore in slides in. I felt safer pulling the cover than prying in the oil filler hole.
ATS, Industrial Injection, Relentless Diesel maybe....

Those come to mind first, there may be others as well.
Do a serious search on whos is actually working, and if it was worth the cost. I've only heard of a couple actually doing anything for power.
the one from industrial does give more flow we have seen increased rail psi under load with larger sticks,now we use 2 40 overs from II