N-dure roll pans

Kick Start

Feb 25, 2009
Anyone ever used or have a friend that bought a N-dure roll pan? Quality? Fit?

Any info would be much appreciated.
I have one. It fit pretty decent but my bed is beat to CHIT. I got the bed looking great with tons of body work but the overall bed is all out of whack. Mounting the bottom edge took some ingenuity. Oh and the license plate lights that come with it are complete garbage. I broke the first one taking it easy with a 12v impact screw gun. So I put the second on on by hand and the second the screw touched the plastic it cracked. I guess that is why they send two with it LOL

The body lines aren't perfect but like I said my bed is far from being right on. I bolted mine in and didn't weld obviously.