Name ideas for New Mack Semi


New member
I am completing a build of a Mack superliner to begin pulling in the 2013 season. I am looking for some help in thinking of a creative/catchy name for the truck.

So let's hear it, here is your opportunity to name a pulling truck...all suggestions are appreciated.
It is red in color but will be getting a whole new paint job as soon as chassis is finished. I can do the paint scheme to coincide with the name after we establish that. I appreciate any input.
I like MACK ATTACK but there is already a white mack called "Big Mack Attack". Thanks for the suggestions! Keep 'em coming!
What Mack engine are you using? Maxidyne?
- Mack Daddy
- Maxidyne Mayhem
- Big Mack
- "Mack"anical Advantage
Off the Chain

Chicken on a Chain? Great name for a bull. Could work for a truck?
