Need a turbine housing/help

mike diesel

New member
Aug 7, 2012
I have an 88mm turbonetics charger i am using as the primary in my compound setup. Only problem is, I can't drive the charger hard enough since it has a big turbine wheel and 1.23 housing, very similar to a gt55. Rather than sell the turbo, I'd like to see if I can find a 1.0 housing for it to tighten up the hot side to better utilize the F1 turbine wheel.

Talking with turbonetics they don't make an off the shelf housing other than the 1.23 for it...I thought it essentially used a gt55 turbine wheel but it looks a little different. Turbonetics says it is an F-trim turbine wheel...but the pictures I have seen of f trims also look different. It is 101mm/112mm supposedly, I have not measured to verify.

Does anyone know where I can get a tighter turbine housing for it? Turbonetics says an F- trim turbine housing "might" work with no guarantees. I'd rather not spend the cash and end up with a pile of parts I can't use. I also found that an F trim wheel is 4.135" on the inducer, which doesn't quite correspond with 101/112.

Here is the turbine wheel.

I would give smokem from infinite performance a pm. He will be able to machine one to fit if necessary.