Need some troubleshooting help


Active member
May 19, 2010
Alright so my dads lb7 has begun to get sluggish so to speak, gets fairly warm
In my opinion just driving. We have done basic checks and need help on a couple things. Doesn't seem to have boost leaks, nor is there a fuel leak. Installed a rail pressure gauge and under WOT it goes to 27k but has dropped to 17k. Truck has a banks six gun with speed loader, Ppe boost valve, and intake. I'm gonna shoot a gopro video of the gauges when I get a chance and post that up.

So now, story told... Is the rail pressure low? I've searched and searched and just can't come up with answers.
Rob, we actually have some efi coming for a customers truck this week from you lol.
Right after I posted this I went and drove the truck again. With the banks on "1", the truck holds 22-23k WOT. On "6" it isn't pretty. It drops to 15-16k and never at anytime got over 20k.
[ame=""]YouTube - 02 lb7 gauge view[/ame]
Either a supply issue or a high pressure side issue. Could be fuel filter, collasped lines on the low pressure side, weak cp3 or too high of injector return on the high pressure side. Just for starters to check.