Need to advise a friend, Edge?

One very important thing to remember with 7.3 programmers/chips (I can call it that, that is how chip got started, because it is a chip that plugs in) is that when you plug it into the ECM, the truck needs some time to learn it and get used to it. If you program a truck with a Superchip, it might not be all that impressive at first. Leave it on there and drive it. The more it runs, and get turned on and off, the more it will learn and adapt. After some time, the trans will love that Superchip, it will shift perfect and haul the mail for what it is.

With a flip chip like the TS, every single time you switch it, the truck gets confused. That is why they destroy transmissions, it never gets used to the settings. Different power levels have different settings in the trans. If you keep flipping it around (and you inevitably will) the trans will slam gears and get lost between gears and just be unhappy. It will also throw the check engine light constantly, and sometimes even go into limp mode. I was told this straight from TS long ago, and have seen all of it happen just as they warned it would.

This is based on my experience 6-11 years ago so maybe the TS 6 position has improved, but I don't see any way around this, regardless of who tunes it. Unless all levels have the same trans settings, and maybe they do now, but they didn't before.

I have owned 2 7.3's, I have 2 brothers that have both had 2 7.3's, and my dad has had 2. That is 8 of them in my immediate family, every single one has had some sort of programmer/chip/module. I have been out of the 7.3 game for a long time now, and spend very little time in the 7.3 forum. That said I don't think this information has been covered much, but I could be wrong. Sorry for the long read, but I think its time something useful was posted, not just get this or get that with no info behind it, by people that have likely only tried 1 or 2 different brands. It's easy to say the TS is great, when you haven't tried anything else. Heck I thought it was great power wise until my one brother had it on his truck set to highest setting, lined up to my other brother with the Superchip set on highest setting, Superchip truck flat embarrassed the TS. Both F350, both 2003 model, same truck. Yes I am talking off the shelf tunes, all there was back then. TS smoked like a train and Superchip ran almost clean as stock. TS truck also had intake and 5 inch, Superchip had stock intake, stock paper filter, gutted stock exhaust.

I am not trying to bash TS. Ok rant over, take it however you like.

I'm not trying to argue with you here, but I don't agree with your info at all. When you say you fried those ecm's, did you make the mistake of leaving the keys in the ignition, cuz that'll do it? Also, with the 7.3's I've owned all with ts style chips an custom tunes, there was never any "re-learn" process like on the 6.0's an 6.4's. you flip the setting an go, that simple.

To the op, I'd get a set of gauges an then some custom tunes from a vendor (chances are custom tunes will be cheaper than the Edge) an the truck will run an shift a lot better
No, just got in the truck one day and no start. Hook up a code reader and it won't read. Unplug it and still the same. Put in a new ECM and starts right up. Same with all three. Many many curse words after being late to work.
Like I said, maybe they don't do trans tuning anymore but they used to. I'm talking a decade ago when TS first started out. And again, surely they have improved on things since then.
Only if you hate your trans. Everyone will rip on me for this, but if you want a cheap programmer with trans tuning, the old Superchips tuner is tried and true, and will outrun an off the shelf TS 6 position while running cleaner and cooler, and get better mileage. That is based on my own personal experience.

Also the TS 6 position is notorious for frying ECM's, I have personally seen this happen 3 times with the TS, on different trucks, in real life. I didn't just read and repeat this like half the people on here..

You are mistaken. I've installed over 100 chips personally (IN REAL LIFE) and have yet to fry an ECM. And then to say that its only TS ones that do it is way off. The majority of issues with any brand chip is improper installation.. user error/ self inflicted . Did the same person install those 3 chips you spoke of ?
Each installed by owner so 3 different people. It is what it is, I'm tired of arguing about this. You've had good luck so good for you. Just a friendly warning.

Guess TS didn't know what they were talking about back then, then.
Each installed by owner so 3 different people. It is what it is, I'm tired of arguing about this. You've had good luck so good for you. Just a friendly warning.

Guess TS didn't know what they were talking about back then, then.

3 different people that seems as thou they knew each other (not including you-but you knew them) and one says how do you do this and the other says " its easy,I'll show ya"
and they all have issues.. Somebody tell me where I might be wrong. And for the record I'm not arguing.. so don't take it that way because its not an argument.

As far as who you talked to at TS back then.. I'd like to know who it was got a name ? Pm me with it if ya feel better too.
I will not say about TS. That is not my motive here.

You are wrong about the installs. One had a Hypermax that was removed, one had a Banks removed, and one had a Superchip removed. They all had previous chips installed without issue. Boards properly cleaned and installed. Afterword, one got a DP, one back to Hypermax, other went to Hypermax. Never an issue since.
Well I've know Dennis and the TS gange for 13 +/- years and did a lot with them when they were gettin goin..I wasn't Planning on dragging anyone thru the mud or anything at all.Just curious who it was.
Now as far as frying ECUs, you seem to be the common factor. you're bad JuJu. LOL. Just joking.
For all the chips that have gone out thru TS its very rare to have something like that happen. Not saying it doesn't. Except around you. LOL. Joking again. Haha.
I’ve had a DP chip and a pillar gage set for over a year now on my 01 excursion. The chip screws with the Anti-Theft so it blinks every time the key is on for a good 3 mins and on 140hp setting and medium throttle for a good distance will set a check engine light for hpop pressure... You can have them flash the PCM and it will eliminate these annoyances.

The DP chip changes the shift points/shift firmness and is reasonability priced.

I trust my gauges over a digital display any day.
I quit believing every piece of info when you said a 7.3 had to learn. So I say BS on the rest.

Sent from my x2 chillin in the middle of no where
I’ve had a DP chip and a pillar gage set for over a year now on my 01 excursion. The chip screws with the Anti-Theft so it blinks every time the key is on for a good 3 mins and on 140hp setting and medium throttle for a good distance will set a check engine light for hpop pressure... You can have them flash the PCM and it will eliminate these annoyances.

The DP chip changes the shift points/shift firmness and is reasonability priced.

I trust my gauges over a digital display any day.

Sorry I know this old. I just now came across it.

The light should not be blinking after start up. Our chips are designed so you can keep PATS. PM me with your name and I'll look at your order information.

I will not say about TS. That is not my motive here.

You are wrong about the installs. One had a Hypermax that was removed, one had a Banks removed, and one had a Superchip removed. They all had previous chips installed without issue. Boards properly cleaned and installed. Afterword, one got a DP, one back to Hypermax, other went to Hypermax. Never an issue since.
The chips might've vibrated loose. I keep mine strapped in with a zip-tie and no issues.
TS chip and custom tunes (with gauges) gets my vote. I've ran Edge and SCT and they were bad. Lot's of smoke and no go. My truck wouldn't get out of its own way.