New from NM

I should post a pic of my gal just to shut ya up. Hell there would be a pic at least on this thread.

And idk what to say towards that. I do know Jesus and go to church regularly. Then the other topic I say hour ago is recent enough LOL
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Sorry if that came off bad. Guess we all want to see the girl behind the screen name cause most girls aren't into trucks to be on a forum dedicated to them and to put up with all of our stuff.

Or at least thats my opinion on the topic.
Not directed at you but the masses. She is under age. I would guess 17 but still under
All y'all need Jesus or get laid more often. I'm not sure which.
Were are all the bible bangers? Their heads are going to explode with those 2 statements being in the same sentence.
speakin of highschool, im glad i dont gotta go back this year, this will be my first year not having to go..:woohoo:

Sounds like they should have kept you for a few more years :lolly:
Not directed at you but the masses. She is under age. I would guess 17 but still under

Were are all the bible bangers? Their heads are going to explode with those 2 statements being in the same sentence.

Sounds like they should have kept you for a few more years :lolly:

I should post a pic of my gal just to shut ya up. Hell there would be a pic at least on this thread.

And idk what to say towards that. I do know Jesus and go to church regularly. Then the other topic I say hour ago is recent enough LOL
What happened to posting pics of her?

Ha ha Ugh gosh I gotta deal with all the high school girls tomorrow I
I don't have to deal with that till next Thursday thank god I've only got a year left.

This is sad...

She obviously doesn't want to post a pic of herself or she would have a long time ago... She doesn't have to if she doesn't want too.

Go overcompensate somewhere else guys...