New Girl From Ohio aka"THE Roy Slaughter's B!tch"

Hopefully you do better than that with men


I don't know what to say... Oh wait I do! I have been :eek:wned:

To be honest I added the truck part, so that I would not be implicated into saying something I didn't mean.
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Hahaha well played Lloyd


Thats why I posted it the way I did. I actually liked the trucks headlights, and I cannot comment on her headlights, and I do not want to get into trouble with the OP, my wife and any other CompD member! LOL!
I'm def not the typical girl. I'm more of the hang out in the shop buy you cool **** and make sammiches oh and I enjoy detailing vehicles I do it to relax and I'm extremely OCD about it. So when I wash it I have like 3 different sponges and buckets. Wheels get washed inside and out and door jams lol the whole 9 yards. :)

After I wash your truck ill do the laundry and make Roy a sammich ;)

I can out OCD you! First off no sponges micro fibers only, absolutely no swirl wiping action, everything must stay parallel to the truck. I do think you could be trained though.

Don't need any fukin sandwich just another beer please.
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Hahaha y'all are too much, and by "sponges" I meant micro fiber wash rags just didn't want to type it all out, I don't think anyone can out OCD me. But you can try. And sorry guys No group text
Hahaha y'all are too much, and by "sponges" I meant micro fiber wash rags just didn't want to type it all out, I don't think anyone can out OCD me. But you can try. And sorry guys No group text

I wash my truck on average 4 times a week, I wipe my boat trailer off after I launch it so it doesn't spot...I can for sure out OCD your azz!
Hahaha. I'm repainting my entire truck :). But you have me beat I work too much for 4times a week :( you win.