new guy with build questions


New member
Feb 11, 2015
Hey y'all. Been snooping around for a bit and while i spend a lotta time over on cummins forum i joined here because most of my searches on my tranny build ended here anyways.
Anyways, building my tranny for a 700hp hot street/casual race application that never does an ounce of towing. Going with Goerend tc and master kit, tcs shafts, but the vb is where im hung up. Im sick of manually shifting to go past 3k rpm and don't know if i want a full manual vb. So that led me to standalone. Ats is super expensive. Dont know much about the suncoast setup yet. There seems to be a pcs controller of sorts but it seems hard to find info there too. Any direction or help is appreciated :)

Oh and i seem to have trouble finding the right section in the forum to post questions so hopefully this will work :eek: