NEW: SC GMAX Parts/1055/Mag-Hytec


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Bought parts the convert my SC IV to a GMAX a little while back but never did. I am now returning truck to stock and returning the transmission to stock as well.

Have GMAX C2,C3,C4 clutch packs with necessary backing plates, pistons etc. I did not get the C1 stuff at the time i believe because IIRC they were the same but i cannot remember. These parts are all new.

$700 Shipped OBO.

I can also include my (used for around 10,000 miles) pump, c2 piston, and valvebody which have the transgo mods completed , as well as the C1 backing plate and gaskets for a package price of $850 Shipped. This would give you a nearly complete GMAX package providing the C1 plates are the same you would just need a C1 clutch pack which is less than $150.

I also have a Mag-Hytec Pan that I polished the fins on that i will include to make it an Even $1000 shipped.

I also have my 1055 Torque converter for sale in a seperate thread. It was used for around 10,000 miles as well. If you wanted to buy it and everything above except the transmission pan i would do it for a package deal of $1,800 subtract that down to $1,600 if you exchange me your good used stock one. Add $150 for the pan to be included.

With your purchase of a C1 power pack seperatley, this is a $3,150 kit for $1,800 which would be all new and fresh except for the converter, valvebody and pump.

PM Me for separate prices on the parts.

I can snap pictures if desired.

Thank you.
Forgot to mention if i did send you valvebody and pump I would need yours in return. Or I can just remove the valves, otherwise I will just leave it all alone.

$650 shipped for frictions steels and backing plates. If you really want the valves, add another $100 if you send me your stock ones back, anything less and it isnt worth my time to mess with them.

Gaskets included if you need them.

Converter itself $900 OBO shipped. Do not want/need a stock one anymore in return.

Package deal for everything above $1,600 shipped. Throw in the pan for an extra $100.

Pan alone $150 shipped.
sale fell through everything but converter and pan back up for sale. Those who contacted me about it will be getting pms shortly with their position in line for the parts. Thank you.