New SCT xcal3 now lost have questions


New member
Nov 23, 2007
Hello my name is Mike and I just got my SCT from DJ's and I am now lost as to what the next step is. I was told I have to go to SCTs website and download some file and send it to DJ's but I am lost. Any help would be appreciated. By the way I am using windows vista I went to SCT's website to try to download drivers but only found .sys files no exe files. I plugged the SCT into the computer but it could not find the driver software. I have the driver software on my desktop but the SCT does not recognize it.Lost please help.
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I don't know got vista on both my laptops. The guy at DJ's that I bought the tuner from said to go to SCT website and download some file then email DJ the file but I am lost. Sucks having the tuner in the house and not being able to use it yet...
I dont think so, I am not firmiliar with the X3. I would shoot Vivian an email
Thanks for the replies. I do not know an email address for Vivian. I did use the contact page for DJ's and sent Chris and Domingo an email asking for help. In all the forums I have been on I have heard nothing but good about DJ's. Thanks everyone!!
HOLY !!!! Now I know why it is called looney!!! Holy hell black smoke rules....
Thank you. I know you're good but I wanted to acknowledge this message and apologize for any inconvenience in trying to get setup.

Have a wonderful day,