NV4500 vs NV5600


New member
Sep 16, 2006
I have the 6 speed in my truck now and have already had to put the updated mainshaft in due to twisting the end off. I don't have a p-pump on the truck yet but it won't be long. Im looking for 600-700 hp when I go ahead with the pump swap. My question is should I stay with the 6 speed or go with the 5 speed. I hear the 5 speed is easier to work on and get parts for. I did the mainshaft myself and I don't care to venture back in that thing to often.
How hard were you driving it when you twisted the mainshaft? 4500 is easier to find parts for, and work on for the most part, but the 5600 should be more than capable of handling a responsible 6-700. They'll all give up at some point.
4500 is cheaper and the parts are more readily available. It won't be stronger than a 5600 although it seems in my limited experience that the 5spd sychros hold up better.

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How hard were you driving it when you twisted the main shaft? 4500 is easier to find parts for, and work on for the most part, but the 5600 should be more than capable of handling a responsible 6-700. They'll all give up at some point.

Truck started bouncing and broke the main shaft, transfer case and LF axle. It was an expensive night to say the least.
I ran NV5600 for 2 years of hard pulling with a fully built 12valve and a big set of twins (this was back in 2006-2008) but power was still in the 1000-1200hp area + and the torque was more with the twins than a single charger and I didn't have one single issue with mine. I usually pulled 4th low but did pull 2nd high a few times. I got into bounce and chatter a few times and never had any issues with the drivetrain at all.

I say keep the 5600 and just make sure you use good oil, and change it regulary!

Me personally I like the 4500 more. If you already ahve teh 5600 in there then I would just run it until it breaks. Depending on how bad it is then look at swapping to a 4500.
NV 5600 this season we broke 1 input 3 output and stripped all the teeth off of secound gear in a commonrail 2.6 puller O and dont forget about the broken Axle shafts We are building a 4500 for next season we shall see whitch one works the best!