o rings or fire rings?

Aug 14, 2007
hey guys ,Im at the stage where Im about to stud the head.im gonna use 12mm 625 arp's and was debating using fire rings instead of O rings.The truck will be a toy and be driven just for play .Whats the deal with fire rings?Ive heard from some sources that you don't have to machine the block and vice versa.I know o rings are a tried and true method.I see on the haisley site that you can do a fire ring /gasket combo and do no machining whatsoever.Is anyone doing this running 80 or higher psi?This seems like an easy option.The truck will be using a 13mm pump and a large set of twins in the future.
How can you firering without maching the head or block? I've never heard of doing it without machining one or the other. Not saying it ain't possible, just saying I don't understand it.
Well I have been through 2 fire ringed heads already in 6 months. I am now getting one done w/ o-rings. The fire rings might work for competition, but for a daily driver they have not worked for me. I am running about 100 psi max boost and both heads with the fire rings were leaking as you could tell by the burnt black spots on the gasket and head surface. Then they finally let go and leak coolant. Heard that fire rings are for competition and pullers and that o-rings are for daily drivers. Everyone you talk to has a different opinion about what works and what doesn't. They say the rings expand and contract with heat cycles and get brittle. I will find out in about a week when I get my new head in that is o-ringed with a stock gasket.
i have firerings in my DD, they have held great for about 45k. i did find that when used with 12mm studs there isnt enough compression on the larger mild steel ring to get even crush especially on # 3 and 4 cylinder. i will however being going to o rings on my next motor. a grove is cut using a tool and jig in the head and block to accept the firerings. ther eare pics in my readers rigs.