Obviously....one 38mm gate isn't enough...

Extended Power

New member
May 19, 2006
Just bought another 38mm, and will see if I can't score a controller to get this insane drive pressure under control.
This is after 10 or so dyno pulls, and 3 rips up the 1/4 mile.


"For sale, hardly used 38mm gate....going different direction, no longer required..." Lol

Adding a second one should help out...one per bank.
Is that the one you just bought? I'm interested

No, it bought this one last year or so.

Think it was a little overwhelmed with the drive pressure. (100 psi)

I have been on the look out for a bigger gate, like a 50mm, but when the 38mm came up in the classifieds, I thought I may as well have one per bank. (Way better than trying to join crap to merge together, etc)

I bought more o-rings last year when I pulled it apart for inspection, and pinched the o-ring that seals the cylinder on the bottom. Nice to have a bearing and o-ring store in town.

Just finished pulling it completely apart...once cleaned up, everything looks awesome, even the valve stem....well..minus the o-rings.:bang

I love JGS stuff for this reason...so easy to repair, and I can get the o-rings local....not like diaphragm style gates.

Now to figure out how to tie two of these into the up pipes...:hehe:
Sorry about the first comment, I thought I was in a different section. Had to change it before I look stupid. I've been looking at those is different brands, but can't figure out which one I want.
Didn't even see your first comment.

From what I know now...its better to go too big then too small.
You can always limit the amount the gate will open, but you can't make it open any more than wide open.
"For sale, hardly used 38mm gate....going different direction, no longer required..." Lol

Adding a second one should help out...one per bank.

Ya know reading this from another angle looks like I was bad mouthing the guy I bought this from last year, or whenever it was...
That was not what I intended...what I was saying is that "I" had a "hardly used 38mm gate"
Not what the for sale add was at the time.

Sorry if some people took it the wrong way.

And no...it is not for sale...I will be using both of them.