Painted my headlights


Cummins R&D Tech
Mar 31, 2011
So after painting my chrome black, and resealing the lights, my passenger side one still looks fine, my driver side however has moisture in it. What is the best way to remove the moisture without staining the clear plastic? I've had 2 ideas/suggestions: 1. Hair dryer with the bulbs out to evaporate the moisture and reseal. 2. Put the light into the oven low heat, bulbs out to evaporate as well. Other ideas/suggestions?
Well, oven trick helped. Used a hair dryer as a backup, and a small piece of cable with paper towel on it to kinda "mop up" standing water. Not perfect but pretty good. Resealed both with silicone. time will tell how well it worked





Got all the moisture out, hoping it stays out
I've been wanting to do this for a while but when I read up on how to do it, it seemed like a pain, or is it not so bad?
it's a pain. Headlights in and out of the truck is cake, getting apart is difficult, painting is straightforward. Resealing is a b!tch (See the pic of drivers side). If you don't do stuff like this often, dedicate all day to it so you don't have to rush and it'll be great. You rerally can't rush these. Also, if you tint your reflectors:

***DO NOT PUT THE ORANGE LENSES IN THE OVEN BY THEMSELVES!!!!**** They melt and deform which is why we had to make plates to go in the opening on mine. We did Night shades and my buddy decided to cure them in the oven so they'd be done quicker.:badidea:

So just remember to take your time
How's you turn signal do with the bucket black? I did a set and taped it while the chrome was still warm and pulled some off. I was thinking of painting the whole thing, but didn't want the signal to be hard to see.
How did you get the headlights apart. I have been wanting to do this but not quite sure how to go about it. Haven't really investicated the issue though.
Heat them up in the oven and carefully tear them apart. I could do a set for you if you want.
the signals are fine. I like that it only leaves one area chrome, but now since the signals aren't chrome they don't match with the cab lights. As far as being visible, so far, so good. I figured the lights you REALLY want to be overly visible are headlights and brake lights. They went from being bright like brake lights, to about as bright as running lights when your signals are on, and a bit dimmer when they aren't flashing