PDR 12cm non gated housing


New member
Sep 24, 2006
Can anyone tell me before I order if the PDR 12cm non gated housing is long or short snout? And I called them Friday and no one could tell me or just wouldn't. I need the short snout for my twin setup. Thanks.
Wouldn't you think a JGS400R gating all six would be enough? There are many running stock hx35 internal gates that only gate 3 cylinders in twins setups. Some port the divider for extra gating and some even hog out the wastegate flap but they come nowhere near gating what an external 40mm gating all six can. My opinion, but you know what they say about opinions!
are you planning on gating to atmasphere or back to the hot pipe to drive the 3b harder?
and i think thats going to be plenty of gate..
Yep, back into hotpipe. I have one of those 2" cast non-divided standoffs for a 40mm gate, so I know it's actually overkill, I was bustin Gunracer1's chops for pretending to know more about twins than me! LOL