Places for Skid Steer Attachments on trailer?


Resident Closet Gay
Mar 27, 2009
I have a couple of skid steers at work now, and they all have their own trailer and different attachments. The major attachments i carry around are bucket, forks and an auger. I was wondering if anyone has fabbed up some sort of mounts on the trailer to atleast place the auger in. I only have 16' trailers and i think if i were to fab up a holder/cradle of some sort it would be easier to transport and switch attachments often. Any ideas??
I've seen guys mount c-channel under the trailer to the frame where you can slide in the forks. For augers I have seen stands made at the front where you roll the auger plate so it is parallel with the trailer and set it down, the auger straps into the frame of the stand. As for the bucket that stays on the skid steer and goes underneath the auger. I can try and find pics or make some drawings for you if you need.
heres a picture of the fork holders
Dean, you're not skilled enough to fab something up like that!
Screw you adam!! Those are all good ideas. I will definetly get some C channel and put that on there for the forks. Now is all I need is for a better view of the auger holder and I will have to add something to hold a couple of bits. This is going to be nice!
I will! Probably wont happen till it warms up a bit though.
Just came across this post. I haul the same thing, skid steer with the same attatchments, but have a bigger trailer (25' flatbed gn). What I've realized over the years, it always seems easier to leave the auger on the ss, and strap/mount the bucket on the forks. I've hauled this combo for years, and no matter what I do, that auger just doesnt like to stay put on the trailer (twists, turns, rolls on its side), no matter how I tie it down, which makes it trickier to off load/ hook up on ss. If you're gonna fab something up on a trailer, think how easier it would be to fab up a mount/ area for something flat (forks, bucket) vs an auguer. Just throwing out my take on it.
How big of bit is on your auger? The company my brother works for took a 3' long 24" diameter piece of pipe, cut a hole in the deck on the Front of the trailer and put the pipe in through the hole welded to the frame. Drive up from the Side and set the bit into the pipe and let it rest unhook from Skid steer
Thats a good idea. I run augers from 10" to 18" on a regular basis. I was thinking of doing something like that, but also having some sort of cradle to set the actual auger in, and be able to strap it down.