plate grind and no more power


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Got a 94 2500 auto with 240k on it and took the fuel plate out to grind it made it about a #0 plate turned the star wheel to put the plate in as far forward as I could and still no power. Feels stock still what's wrong with the truck?
Tune the AFC.

Gov arm binding?

Good fuel pressure?

Solenoid going all the way up?
Adjust the governor lever to hit the plate, it's going under and not fueling
Ya, what's with being so nice? No posting directly after being "relieved".

Sorry guys, I don't know what happened... I won't slip up again like that if I can help it.
Got a 94 2500 auto with 240k on it and took the fuel plate out to grind it made it about a #0 plate turned the star wheel to put the plate in as far forward as I could and still no power. Feels stock still what's wrong with the truck?

Does the reference line to the afc have a hole in it? Broken? Or (no offense) not even connected? Even with piss poor tuning it should run decent on the top end with a zero plate. Sounds like its not going to full fuel to me.