PROJECT Lotus... diesel... concept


I'm not sure how it would cost, but what about the Neander diesel designed for their motorcycles?

Do a search for Neander is a 1400cc producing 112 hp and looks very compact and light.
Cant say ever hearing of Neander... Interesting to say the least... Will try to find some info...

I'm going to place another vote for the VW diesel.
There are quite a few around and parts are available.
VWs are very much a consideration for the simple fact you mentioned... mass production and parts availability.

engine height will be a problem, that's why I was thinking of the Wankel. .....not to mention I think the RPM limit is WAAAYY up there.
Found only one usefull webpage about Wankel... though lt contained limited details and no contact info.

All possibilities are going on the table. Still in, and will be in research mode for some time to come.

*** Side note***
Whole idea may get sidelined due to lack of available travel funds to go get it.
Estimates @ $4.25/gallon = $1,200 to $1,600 to get home and back. Just got my bonus payment and sadly every dollar is already claimed to debt reduction. First time home purchase, past mistakes and overseas military moving does not come with out a huge price tag.

Will have to see what the tax return looks like after I file it when I return. [military recieve 180 day combat zone filing extention]
Sad News...

Well boys & girls, I have sad news to report. There will be no PROJECT Lotus.

I spoke to my grand-dad the other day... and unknown to me he has promised the Lotus to a family friend in NC. To protect identity, we'll call him Adam.

A little background...
My Uncle Robert [deceased 1984] originally aquired this car back around 1980. At that time he was working as a roughneck on Gulf Coast drilling rigs and became good friends with [Adam] a fellow roughneck who was/is an exotic car restorer/collector. We're talking very rare, extremely hard to find, antique European speedsters. He now does this for a living and it is only fitting that the Lotus would go to him... I am sure that is what Robert would want.
Stay away from Nissan or Renault diesel engines.

If you need small and reliable diesel , look to Toyota or VW .

I'm not a fan of anything Renault. But whats the issue with the Nissan diesel engines. I'm curious and don't know much about those ones at this point. Was thinking about finding an older lightweight RWD chassis vehicle and dropping in a 4 banger diesel and 5 speed stick as a cheap supereconomical commuter ride till fuel prices move back down.