Project X “the beetle” or our 09 Jetta for Pikes Peak

thats a pretty cool story. she was in the right place at the right time. im gonna go get a job at subway down the street from the nicken brothers shop back home!
thats a pretty cool story. she was in the right place at the right time. im gonna go get a job at subway down the street from the nicken brothers shop back home!

Robert ,Buddy , Bo and David , there are all good friends of mine. Ive raced David ,Bo and Buddy in comp several times.
She is cute, no doubt about that but she wants to race and be a part of this team , much like Anna "Crewgirl" , she gets the same chance as everyone else that wants to be involved. She is 100 lbs, and that’s a big plus. A loss of 100 lbs over me.

I have made sure that everyone leaves the girl part of it out, she is just another crew member. She will have to earn her spot on the team just like everyone else has in the past. Just like Anna did many years ago. She has some big shoes to fill if she wants to follow Anna's lead. Anna is absolutely the best crew member I have ever raced with, and a lot of other comp racers will attest to that

The little Beetle is a bear to drive , but she is going to get her chance

This all started at Hooters a month ago. Charlie Stewart, Chris Franks and I were eating; she was not even our waitress. We all had race shirts on. This girl keep coming buy, and asking us about racing.

When we got ready to leave, she come over and almost with a tear in her eye, told us that all she had ever wanted to do what race, or be around racing.
She told us that she hadn’t a father or any brothers,, and just wanted to know why she couldn’t find anyone to let her help. And learn.

Well she was wiping down parts, and helping that night. This is how it works

That's pretty damn cool of you! :clap: Hope she likes the whole racing thing! :rockwoot:
In reality, we are really looking at making this event, as a test session. I am looking at logistics of moving the car up there and then to drag week. I will just fly in to the events.

This is good news.
That's pretty damn cool of you! :clap: Hope she likes the whole racing thing! :rockwoot:

In racing, and in life, you must give back!!!!!!

I was allowed, and tolerated on my first race team. I made many mistakes, and learned from them. The best possible way to learn to race, sled pull, or anything in life for that matter, is to pay your dues.
Get on a team, shut up, and open your eyes , and ears.

You must be willing to do whatever the team needs, not just the fun jobs, but sometimes the not so fun jobs.

I remember a race many many years ago, I was a new hire on the fire department , and only had one day of vacation saved up, to go to a race.
We popped a motor on the dyno, and the weekend looked like a bust. The only way out was to borrow a motor, problem was it was 900 miles away.

This was on Tuesday night; the first round of competition eliminator qualifying was on Thursday at 3 pm. I used my only day of vacation to drive all day, and night to pick up the little V6 engine, and was not able to go to the entire event. The team set a record in D/EA on the second pass with that engine. We then runner up that event, that event was pivotal in teams future, and mine.

With a large number of people, that always say that they want to be part of a team, there is an enormous amount of work to getting any project to the track. Lots of late night thrashes, and lots of not so fun jobs to do. Over the years most of the people that want to help, don’t usually last long.

One of the most successfully crew members ever on my team has been Anna “crew girl”. Anna understood why we go to the track. It’s not to drink, party, and everything besides race a car.
Melissa has shown the same qualities, she even gets dirty, something that Anna never had a problem with.
I give everyone the same opportunity, including the chance to learn to drive if they stay with it long enough. It’s a long road between helping, and driving, but it has happened
In reality, we are really looking at making this event, as a test session. I am looking at logistics of moving the car up there and then to drag week. I will just fly in to the events.

Greggles, are you running drag week? We missed you at TDIFest so we know you werent prepped for that..... Did you go boom or just bust already? I'm looking at drag week photos right now and only see a grey Jetta 1.8T..........