ProStreet Build Pictures inside

[ame=""]photo6_zpsc13c0c26.jpg Photo by 24vcummns98 | Photobucket[/ame]
Sorry if the pictures Are not showing If you click the link at the top of the picture You can check them out. Chris is doing an awesome job with the truck.
Going good and looks that you are doing hard work on it.In what time you will accomplish it.I hope it will take more than 3 months although best of luck
Anyone got an update on this, curious as he had a nice build going.
I thought to run pro street you had to have factory firewall and floor pans intact.
Hey guys been a long time. Just waiting on the motor. We're still shooting for this year to bring it out.
Hey guys I would like to thank everyone for the kind words about the truck. We have come to a point with the truck where some things have come up and we need to sell. It's not a money situation more of a life change situation. Ryan Milliken and I have been working on a deal with a customer of his. They do have a deposit down on the truck. However, pick up day is this coming Saturday and his customer needed to reschedule. I didn't know if that meant he really needed to reschedule or he has cold feet on the deal. There is a possibility it may not workout. I wanted to make it public knowledge our truck is up for sale.

Price is 17k firm. Mr. Millikens customer of course has first dibs and rights to the truck.