Pull truck insurance

^^^ X2. Jesse, would you mind sharing who the insurer is?

I use auto owners currently, however my agent deals with many companies. I asked him to produce the section that excluded my coverage and he took a few weeks to get back to me. I dug out my policy and all I found was that liability does not apply to:

any automobile while:

preparing for;
practicing for; or
participating in;
any prearranged racing, speed or demolition contest.

I was able to get him to agree with me that this didn't apply to my situation, however he showed me a copy of another companies property policy that had similar wording except stated:

liability coverage does not apply to:

bodily injury or property damage which results from the use of a motorized vehicle in, or in the practice or the preparation for, racing, speed, pulling or pushing, demolition, or stunt activities or contests.

He is reading the "pulling or pushing" to mean the sport of truck pulling which I don't agree with at all. I believe this wording would mean if you have some people help you push or pull your competition vehicle into your garage and they trip and get run over, then liability doesn't apply.

I'm currently getting a quote from CCR.
Thanks Jesse.

I still don't see what the problem is for the tow rig. That does not meet my understanding of "preparing for" a competition event because that should pertain to the pulling truck only. Do you have to wording that precludes coverage on your tow rig?

I know they try to get out of everything but jeezus. I'm OK with getting specialty insurance for the pull truck but the tow rig coverage is a major problem...

Will CCR cover the tow rig while being used to transport the pull truck?
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Thanks Jesse.

I still don't see what the problem is for the tow rig. That does not meet my understanding of "preparing for" a competition event because that should pertain to the pulling truck only. Do you have to wording that precludes coverage on your tow rig?

I know they try to get out of everything but jeezus. I'm OK with getting specialty insurance for the pull truck but the tow rig coverage is a major problem...

Will CCR cover the tow rig while being used to transport the pull truck?

Yes! CCR can cover everything. They will insure the tow vehicle, trailer, competition vehicles as well as the shop they are stored in. You just have to let them know what you want insured.
CCR was the best option when I was researching them all. Covered everything from trailer to shop and tools.
Huh... This is interesting. I'll have to look at my historical insurance for my semi.

Is it possible to have dual coverage? What if I got coverage through CCR, would they cover my truck just driving around on a Sunday afternoon or only to competitions?
Not to derail, but who do you have for the antique semi insurance?