Quiet Stacks?


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 24, 2006
Ok, for 2007 Grand Rock is looking at offering our QP muffler inserts for the stacks in our stack kits. These mufflers have done very well with the Class 7 and 8 trucks, with keeping noise levels down, helping with fuel milaged, and also some with performance. Now the question is, how many of you would use these inserts? They would definatly quite the exhaust, which many wifes would like, but when you get on them really sound throaty and mean. So we are looking for some feed back, what do you all think?
Not sure of the exact decible, but I do know it is lower. At the next dyno day, I'm hoping to test it out.....:Cheer:
I would use them, thats what keeping from running stacks right now.
Yeah, I'm getting that alot.....looks like we will be doing this then, expecially if it gets more customers.
I'm interested. The single 5" flat cut is enough to drive anyone nuts. I was thinking of using one of these up near the top of the stack:

A funnel? LOL sorry I have never seen one of those! Where did you find that?
Any chance you could record a sound clip? i don't mind my open 5" miters buuuut I'm guessing someone around town will get sick of them at somepoint and start complaining. I also am picky about how my truck sounds (who isnt), so I'd like to hear them before buying as set.

I'll get a sound clip as soon as I can, I'm hoping when I do a dyno day in the spring o get a chance then.
The noise is the only reason I don't already have stacks, so if you can get me some stacks that will let me go on road trips without going insane at the same time I am in big time!!


P.S. 5" Miter cuts are what I'm wanting if it matters.
Thats the exact market we're looking at. The ones that one the stacks, but want them quieter than normal.
crzycowboy said:
I'll get a sound clip as soon as I can, I'm hoping when I do a dyno day in the spring o get a chance then.

if you wanna send me a set for testing I'll get you all the quality sound clips you want ;-) lol.

Thanks for the info.

gstanfield said:
The noise is the only reason I don't already have stacks, so if you can get me some stacks that will let me go on road trips without going insane at the same time I am in big time!!


P.S. 5" Miter cuts are what I'm wanting if it matters.

If you ride around with the windows up and the A/C on, its not too bad.....buuuuut all bets are off when the windows are down.....forget opening the slider....

I like the 18" muffler style like I have seen.They start at the pipe comming out the bed & then having the last part a stack.Tomac page 70 of new Diesel power I notised uses one like it.
I don't care how loud it is outside, I just don't want the drone in the cab. I will say the only trucks I've driven with stacks were during my year of truck driving, so never in a pickup, it might not be as bad as I imagine it to be.

BTW, will these kits be something that will retrofit if I get stacks now and want to quiet them down later?

gstanfield said:
I don't care how loud it is outside, I just don't want the drone in the cab. I will say the only trucks I've driven with stacks were during my year of truck driving, so never in a pickup, it might not be as bad as I imagine it to be.

BTW, will these kits be something that will retrofit if I get stacks now and want to quiet them down later?


Yes, you can run the stacks without the mufflers, and install them if it gets to be to loud, or if you experiance drone. HOWEVER with the QP-mufflers, you have to drill mounting holes in the stacks. So if you pull the mufflers back out, you'll have those two holes to worry about.
I'm interested in these. What kind of prices are we talking here? Mine is very loud inside with the sleeper.
