Remote Start on a 1st Gen

When I used to install alarms and sound systems for a living I would build a micro-switch gate for both sides of the shifter and install them below the boot to make sure it would only activate the remote start with it in neutral.

I'd highly suggest you do something similar, especially with a diesel and the low RPM torque it will start in gear and run stuff over doing some serious damage if it is ever accidentally left in gear.

Been there, done that on a 1992 S10, everytime it sounded like the battery was weak, I was grabbing for the fob to shut it off!
Been there, done that on a 1992 S10, everytime it sounded like the battery was weak, I was grabbing for the fob to shut it off!

Bad time for a fob battery to die??? lol

I'm either going to do as Mr. Tobin has suggested or a simple mechanical clutch lock. I guess you would have to depend on the plastic slave cylinder to maintain pressure all day, though.