Rules Rules Rules!


beans diesel performance
Apr 23, 2006
This is to go with Timmys thread, let stop discussing the rule and just freakin make them, I have trucks to build for next year and I am covered up. What I need is rules to build by.

Right now I dont knw what safty equip I am gonna need, what class I need to shoot for, turbo ruls, drive train to build etc. While there is some things that I dont want to see in the rules at this point I just need something to start building for.

How bout this, why dont we get some rules right now then fine tune them up till the first of the year and then make them in stone.

So how bout it?:rules: :rules: :rules:
sounds good to me, we have trucks to build to beat your trucks bean HAHAHAH
just having fun bean
bdp said:
This is to go with Timmys thread, let stop discussing the rule and just freakin make them, I have trucks to build for next year and I am covered up. What I need is rules to build by.

Right now I dont knw what safty equip I am gonna need, what class I need to shoot for, turbo ruls, drive train to build etc. While there is some things that I dont want to see in the rules at this point I just need something to start building for.

How bout this, why dont we get some rules right now then fine tune them up till the first of the year and then make them in stone.

So how bout it?:rules: :rules: :rules:[/

good luck with that one:bang
I just dont want this to be like last year and not get rules till after the first of the year and have major changes, and the rumors are there will be some pretty significant changes.