RV275s and 62/12 turbo


New member
Apr 6, 2008
I'm planning on pulling out my Mach 4 injectors and putting some RV275s in.

I'm hoping to get better fuel mileage and be able to use cruise... driving to Alaska so it's a long trip. Also will be towing so rather not have to watch EGTs the whole time too.

I was just thinking today... will I will be able to spin the turbo with the small injectors? 62/12.
My brother has 62/65/14 & 275's. Spools great with the box on, no box is a little slower, but they work.
I think it would light a little better, just not pull as much boost! with the 275's or stockers!
I ran a ksb-1 with 275's. It sucked with the box turned off (was running a comp back then) but turn the box on level 1 or 2 and it was a great combo. Could knock down 19-20mpg and even with the box on level 5 I could only hit 1300*. I miss that combo.
Well truck runs good with the 275s. Honestly not a huge difference in power levels between the RV275 and Mach 4s for normal driving. I can tell when I get on it though.

Surprisingly, the EGTs are about the same if that makes any sense? I lost maybe 100* if that.

Still have cruise surge which is weird. Not as bad as with the Mach 4s though.

I'm thinking maybe my cruise servo has issues or something. Before with the RV injectors there was no surge.
Maybe turbo is doing it? That's be the only difference from before and now.