setting up my suspension


Wait, what?
Dec 31, 2011
Ok guys I need help setting up my suspension. I'm sticking with 35 inch tires and the 8 inch fabtec lift, with the smaller tires and cutout up front I can run the Tbars all the way down and have 0 to slight negative angle on the front end. Now, I know with a 2wd you want a as much weight shift to the rear as you can get, but for obvious reasons I can't have the front end really lifting. So, I'm guessing a somewhat slow shock up front with the limit straps to keep everything lined up where it should. Now for the rear-right now I have a lot of rake from dropping the front end down, so I'm going to drop it down some-do I want it level, a slight rake forward, rake towards the rear? Do I want to keep the rear suspension soft to still try and get some transfer to the lighter rear wheels or firm it up? I have long track bars and have never had issues with wheel hop, also have bags on the truck so I can set one side firmer than the other to help with the torque roll. Going to set the pinion about 4* down too.
Thanks guys I'm damn near full retard when it comes to this so any help is appreciated.
Looking to push the truck into 11.5s with the 35s, maybe down towards low 11s next year with a hotter engine