sick of the f'n soot


dick doggin
Jul 23, 2007
losing the 6" catstack. going back to a 4 out the rear or the side. ruinin my toyhauler canvas and lights....all friggin day to clean it off...i hate it..straight pipe out in front of the rear wheel i think to start. turned to the grnd...

jus sayin..dammit...
So are you selling the catstack? I might be interested in a trade if you want a "normal" tailpipe...
I have mine pointing to the ground right after the axle. Never have to clean any soot off of anything anymore.
I took my miter cut off for the exact reason. SOOT. I had stacks for 7 years I believe and took it off about a year into living in Louisiana. Those gay afternoon showers ruin everything when you have a stack.

I put a 5" straight pipe with a 17" FTE muffler on. Sounds good, but took some of the harshness away. I don't wear earplugs on long drives any more and I can now hear my blinker at times. LOL
So are you selling the catstack? I might be interested in a trade if you want a "normal" tailpipe...

whattya looking for a 5''ss no muffler setup. out the rear is best i think

ill trade tho if we in
that would work.

email truck is running almost everyday. if you can ship it to me ill do the swap and send mine to ya...we each pay the shipping ea way....... even up swap. my stack has a 6-4 adaptor on the btm. if i was gonna buy one id buy 5..but if we're on ill do it..mine needs painted tho ill tell ya. pics are a pita...youll hafta trust me ya gotta paint it
Well dumba$$ me just saw where your at. Shipping would be a b!tch for me. If you were closer I would have no problem doing it.
just put a shipping label right on it..i shipped downpipes that way...dont box it or nothin...lemme know...ill sell ya the stack tho
Ill get a quote and pm ya. You dont have to hold it if someone else is interested in the meantime.
120 bucks for the 2 parts from pure diesel power..the 2 sections of the tailpipe

rick that a 2 piece? they aint ss from pd either..but i dont really in fl
120 bucks for the 2 parts from pure diesel power..the 2 sections of the tailpipe

rick that a 2 piece? they aint ss from pd either..but i dont really in fl

I got my 5" straight pipe kit with down pipe for like 250 shipped to my door.