Siping tires


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Just wondering whats peoples thoughts on this. I know in 2.6 rules it says dot tires only no cut tires.
So to me siping a tire is cutting it to me and should not be allowed.
Just wondering whats peoples thoughts on this. I know in 2.6 rules it says dot tires only no cut tires.
So to me siping a tire is cutting it to me and should not be allowed.

correct but like everything else there are the grey areas and a lot of times its not enforced
Seen a truck dq'd because the tires were siped. My feeling is they should be allowed. Especially since tire shops do it.
Some tires are actually sold already siped new.
Seems like an idiot rule.

Yea some have sips new but you can tell when someone has taking like a bfg and had more sips put in it
To me cutting and siping are not the same. I think cutting is removing material to get a better biting edge like a bar tire. Siping you're just giving the tire more biting edges, but not removing material. In 2.5 and 3.0 you're not allowed to make any altercations to the tires. I think that got left out in 2.6. There is also dressing which helps.

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It's still "cutting" even if not removing anything. Cause how else would a person sip if not putting little cuts in it?
cutting and siping are the same damn thing. its all a matter of altering a tires tread for better traction.
Seems like all the Gasser guys up here sipe tires on the bigger trucks.
All tires have siping on them some more than others. You can order tires from some manufacturers with extra siping. But i believe there was some people crying about that at one time but its perfectly legal. Instead of siping a crappy tire why not buy better tires from the start then dont need to worry about it.
Has anyone tried a winter tire like the Yokohama Geolander I/T G072? I would think they would hook good on hard clay track's with all the siping and winter tires are usually a softer tire. They do come in a 315/75/16.

Siping a tire is like taking a razor blade to it and slicing across the face of the tire. Dirt track race car guys do this so the rubber rubs together and heats up quicker and then the sipes open up and let heat out so the tire doesn't over heat. Cutting or grooving a tire is when there is actual material removed to create another biting edge.
Has anyone tried a winter tire like the Yokohama Geolander I/T G072? I would think they would hook good on hard clay track's with all the siping and winter tires are usually a softer tire. They do come in a 315/75/16.

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There is a dmax around here with minimal work done to it and he runs a winterforce tire and the truck does awesome. I laughed at first, but they worked