Smarty TNT


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
It's 12:09 EDT. technicality it's "tomorrow" in most places.... :)

We can has new smarty software?
It'll be released along with the new tunes for the VP trucks.:poke:
I've got the TNT/R or also called REVO. I used to have a bullydog, actually I still do but its sitting in my closet. The new TNT has adjustable options from rail pressure to tQ management. The R version or REVO allows you to spin the engine to 4K. It's really a wild software package, one drive around town and you can feel how much time went into the programing
You will have to call or PM Bob Wagner and discuss it with him first. Though I don't think they will let just anyone have the program. They require that you have to have a well prepared engine. I PM'd Bob o while back asking about getting the tune, and the only reply I got back was him asking if I had a Smarty programmer already. I replied back telling him I hadn't purchased one yet, but I have yet to get a reply from him...........................still waiting
yeah I pm'd him and he hasn't answered yet i'm sure he's pretty busy with emails though
yeah man... Marco said he would be sure to get out the software for the 2nd gens before worrying about getting the 6.7 stuff out. You should have something soon from what he's said.
I have the TNT(R).

My truck runs quieter and smoother than it did stock....No rattle (Zero).
More power everywhere than the beta 4.4, but with less smoke and lower egt's.....Go figure!
I don't want anyone to think I'm blowing sunshine up their a$$ but this thing is so close to perfect it's ridiculous.
Quite literally you can make it whatever you want.

With well over 700hp on tap there are few people I let drive my truck, yet I was able to adjust the tq management and timing enough to let my wife drive it......on a wet road.
This would never happen with the beta 4.4.

With the torque management turned off the power throws my truck around like it is a toy....What a wild ride!

Adjustable rail pressure, torque management, rpm limit, and most important of all timing.
The latest TNT(R) has a further reduced timing setting for NOS....For those of you with steel ball$ :hehe:

*nx* I plan to test mine! *nx*

See you at the track!