Some perspective on Imelmo's Pro truck


Ezekiel 25:17
Apr 21, 2006
Using mine for a size comparison:

If they can actually make any power then its gonna get hairy with a small wheelbase like that.:badidea:
Plenty of Mustangs and other short cars running well into the 6's with no just gotta know how to drive.

Luke...DAYUMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! LOL That was harsh. :hehe:
Plenty of Mustangs and other short cars running well into the 6's with no just gotta know how to drive.

Luke...DAYUMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!! LOL That was harsh. :hehe:

6 sec door slammer with a stock wheel base?
nice looking so far, nice triangular rear sec. should be nice and stiff, better be anyway.
any idea when it will run?
mech2161 said:
6 sec door slammer with a stock wheel base?
My brother helps out with one every day...look in my galery for pics.
Twin turbo Camaro...well into the 6's at over 200 mph on stock wheelbase...or dang close to it.
It's highly doable....look at any Mustang event.
Doable sure but when building from scratch? Why drive it when it can be on a string?
good lord. that thing is going to be awesome when its done. how much rwhp will it have? how is elmo going to route the exhaust without it dragging the ground?
Right out the hood sounds good to me...maybe we can talk Danny in to it.
Wow! "eees tyeney!" (read in fat bastard voice) Rich, I do believe if you got a gate extender you could fit it in your bed!

Elmo is not a small chap, either. I wonder how he's gonna look shoe horned in that thing? Pig in a blanket? Bug in a rug? Smoke and a pancake? :doh:

That thing is slick. I see the vision. It needs a b!tchin paint job bad. Somethin evil to get rid of the cutzy little truck look those things are sometimes lumped with. Whatcha got in store?

Hmmm, if Imelmo were a cartoon...... (thinks to self) monster lookin feller, teeny ass ride, should be screamin fast..... :hehe:


(No, I don't wanna tickle)