Still waiting for my cam..............

Diesel Nut

6 Speed 12V
May 2, 2006
Greg, where is my cam? You don't return phone calls, takes a week or so before you'll answer your phone. I ordered this thing over two and a half months ago, and I'm tired of being strung out. What the hell?
Thanks for the advice.........

My biggest issue here is that the cam is paid for. But I have no cam.
I hate threads like this. Seems to be more and more common. What the heck is wrong with telling a customer what is going on? I know its hard to tell a customer what he dosent want to hear, but i have a lot more respect with someone telling me the truth and communicating with me then simply ignoring the problem. It seems everyday now you read a thread about someone not hearing back from a vendor for months on end. I say this cause i have been a victum more then once from this crap. Now i know that no matter how flat you squash a pancake theres always two sides, but theres not really any excuse for not COMMUNICATING!!
Still nothing from Greg. No returned call and no response here. He was online this morning and made a few posts but continues to ignor this issue...............
Just keep trying him, my cam took about a month to get, but it was a custom Dmax grind. Greg won't leave you hangin, try to be patient, he's a very busy guy.
I have been very patient I think. Over 6 weeks ago he tells me its done and shipped. No cam shows up and I spend 3 weeks just getting him on the phone. Then, get him on the phone and the story is that it just got ground and will shiip that day or the next. That was 3 weeks ago. Won't answer the phone anymore.......

Yeah, he's a busy guy. Busy enough to get on here at 830 am and post, but not respond to this thread.
3 months wait is unacceptable. If Hogue is the diesel god it should have been done already. I guess his "Programs" get in the way of the paying customers.
unbelievable , this is a free cam I promised him, a while back, He send me a few core , I've been really busy , and the right core for this custom cam was not available, every time I though it was going to be avalable it fell thru. its a eazy cam to do if I just bought a new core for him. but I guess he doesn’t understand some time when you want something for free , its takes a while , but hell is going to freeze over now ,
Thanks for the advice.........

My biggest issue here is that the cam is paid for. But I have no cam.

unbelievable , this is a free cam I promised him, a while back, He send me a few core , I've been really busy , and the right core for this custom cam was not available, every time I though it was going to be avalable it fell thru. its a eazy cam to do if I just bought a new core for him. but I guess he doesn’t understand some time when you want something for free , its takes a while , but hell is going to freeze over now ,

One thing I can say about Greg, if he says he will help- he is good with his word. Sometimes one needs to be patient. I know it can be frustrating at times but Greg has been wrapped up with Sema and Vegas as a crew member on a buddies car.....on top of his programs he is involved with.

Sadly it appears as if this bridge has been burned now.
Thanks for the advice.........

My biggest issue here is that the cam is paid for. But I have no cam.

unbelievable , this is a free cam I promised him, a while back, He send me a few core , I've been really busy , and the right core for this custom cam was not available, every time I though it was going to be avalable it fell thru. its a eazy cam to do if I just bought a new core for him. but I guess he doesn’t understand some time when you want something for free , its takes a while , but hell is going to freeze over now ,

So who is telling the truth?:what:
So if Mr. Houge took trade-in core cams for a new grind shouldn't that be just like a paying customer? Does it really take 3 months to complete a cam?
So if Mr. Houge took trade-in core cams for a new grind shouldn't that be just like a paying customer? Does it really take 3 months to complete a cam?

I can understand from what Greg posted. Looks like he was at least trying to help the guy.