Super Stock truck build.

I had honor to see the truck in person , :bow: its even more impressive in real life..
He posted on Facebook yesterday had the pump no more core.

You have no idea how many times I've thought of creating a facebook account (I do not currently have one) JUST so I can follow this build. It seems ol Chris has forgotten about updating this thread. :poke:
Not forgotten, just haven't been making much physical progress.
we are getting ready to start back on it though.
My apologies. I just kept seeing new avatars, hearing about pics posted on facebook and hearing about other progress but nada here so I assumed it was progressing. I'm just pumped to hear it may actually be out competing next year!! :D
I guess johnny shriver and them were down at the shop and Chris and them had the engine in the corner ready to go. Then of course he posted the pic of the completed pump. It was just a pump core last time I was down there so some progress has been made.
Not forgotten, just haven't been making much physical progress.
we are getting ready to start back on it though.

Well, since you're back on it, I'll bless your reengaging physical progress with a sufficient amount of keyboard drool...

Totally subscribed, and I'm totally an anti chevy guy
I've been laid up for over two months with something wrong with my foot.
The block work is pretty much done, just need to tap the oil galleys for pipe plugs, cut the fire ring grooves, clean and paint. The balancing is done, rings are sized, close to assembly time. Still working on specing the camshaft, and getting ready to order the parts to finish the heads.
The pump and injectors should be done by the end of the week ( we have been waiting on core pumps from the Netherlands to have parts to finish the pump).
We have been talking to a few graphic artist about doing a wrap or possibly paint on the body, still not sure on a name yet.
It's sounding like you're getting really close Chris. Good luck on recovery with your foot issues as well!
It's also getting close Margus. Installing fuel system, working on wiring, making coolant and charge air hoses.
Hope your foot gets well quick a guy at work had gout for a month and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong went to another doctor and got medicine and was back to work in a week.souds like the truck is gather alot of parts.can't wait to see it.
