The 6BT-Dakota for sale . . .


New member
Jun 11, 2007
I just wanted to let everyone here know that I will putting the Dakota on the market for sale. My life has taken some turns and I just dont have time that I used to have to enjoy it as much as I used to. Im not selling it because I have to im selling it because I want someone else to enjoy it and appriciate it as much as I have. Last year I joined a hunting club in Pike county which i have access to the 1200 plus acres year round and the year before that I got Sam my German Shepherd (which u have all met).

This leaves me very little time to travel especially overnight with my truck, in fact it has been sitting in the garage that I rent for over a year.

As u may know it needs a transmission rebuild or a new one and it needs a heater core. On top of that it basically needs to be finished from the level that I have it now. Which would include getting the dash functional and the A/C functional.

I have not set a price but what im looking for is offers, I know aprox how much I have into the truck and I know there is no way ill get it back but im not going to take a beating just to sell it. If I get a decent offer ill send it down te road for someone else to enjoy.

When we built the truck I bought a donor 94 ram. I have all the wiring and CPU and other stuff to along with the truck to basically finish what needs to be done

Anyone here can pass my phone number to anyone they know and they can text me.


Thanks in advance

Oof, little too far for me.

When you post a price I'll pass it around. I have a few buddies looking for a project.