The new Mrs. garmon!!!


I got a wrench for that!!
Oct 24, 2009
Just wanted to say congratulations to Jeff and Amy. They were married yesterday in Maui. May they have many happy years together!! :cheer: :woohoo: :clap:
LOLI hope she knows what she is getting into.....

j/k Congrats to the happy couple.:Cheer:
Congrats to you and yours!!!! I wish the two of you the best.
Thanks for the support guys we are having a blast!
Thanks for all your well wishes!! We are having a great time and so happy!!

Amy "Garmon"
Come on Amy. Don't be a getting online under Jeff!! LOL. Congrads to y'all!!!

:clap:LOLLOLLOLLOL Are you kidding me???? They are married now she can do anything she wants:woohoo:Under Jeffs name :evil

I hope you guys have a blast and look forward to meeting you as the new Mrs. Garmon:cheer:
Thanks for all your well wishes!! We are having a great time and so happy!!

Amy "Garmon"

Is that "THE" Amy Garmon checking in????

You guys both need to stay off the computer and get back to your honeymoon!!!:woohoo:
congrats Jeff and Amy, yall have fun and do like the above post say's.. Get off Compd and enjoy your honeymoon.
Congrats ya'll..Now hurry up and get back Jeff so you can get this stupid phone back that doen't ever stop ringing..:lolly: