the snuffer.................

There are Many on this forum that have never met me but from what I understand there are several that hate on me for having recieved / accepted help from those very generous folks that offered to help during my bad luck engine issues.. ( Im lucky to have friends that keep me posted on the talk behind the scenes )

If Everyone that "HATES" on me just kept talking and talking to their other internet buddies about how big of a "Mooch" I was for accepting help, Then I guess I'd have a bad rep too eventually.... Maybe I already do..... But I would like to think as Wade does, that If you'd just give me a shot when you meet me in person that I could make you understand and think otherwise....

Fact is... Until you meet Wade or me or Anyone for that matter in person, Then All this Baggin on him is just Speculation on most folks part...

Things Always get lost in translation when typing / posting / reading the net..... I'm not saying Wade hasn't done to stupid chit on this forum, But we ALL have...Especially in the beginning while learning.. He as many of us have grown up a bit since first being on the forum's...Who he is today Im sure is different than who he was back then... Same goes for me..

Does THIS thread make everyone feel more "Manly"??
If it does, then just continue on... I'd hate for your ego's to take a down turn at Wade expense....

I know I'm not perfect and I've been involved in my share of "hating".... But I'm trying to turn over a new leaf... Won't you join me??


BTW... Totally off the record because he didn't post it... Wade AGAIN offered to help me with my engine build this go round at his expense... That's a friend in my book!!!
I politely declined, as I just can't put him out again like that... But I did truly appreciate the Offer Wade....Thank you!!
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Just something to keep in mind.... Not aimed at anyone specific....



David, It's not that I hate Wade! As a person he has done nothing to me. But when he gets on here talking his stupid **** it get's old. If he would just not talk down on everyone he would get a little more respect that he must need so bad. I respect you (David) as you tell it like it is! Like it, Hate it you tell it. I have no problem with that. I respect people who tell it like it is and doesn't do it behind others back's.I meet you at the truck jam race and was glad I did. I have seen you at many other races but always seem to be to busy to say hi. You did and i'm glad. I'm a nobody in this diesel word and i'm fine with that. I just don't see why Wade tries to talk his way into being someone instead of letting his truck do the talking. It's a very nice truck as I have said many times before. I like to think I could get along with anyone as long as there up front and truthfull. hanks Jeff P.S.. now let have some smack talk about the 50k race!!!
David, It's not that I hate Wade! As a person he has done nothing to me. But when he gets on here talking his stupid **** it get's old. If he would just not talk down on everyone he would get a little more respect that he must need so bad. I respect you (David) as you tell it like it is! Like it, Hate it you tell it. I have no problem with that. I respect people who tell it like it is and doesn't do it behind others back's.I meet you at the truck jam race and was glad I did. I have seen you at many other races but always seem to be to busy to say hi. You did and i'm glad. I'm a nobody in this diesel word and i'm fine with that. I just don't see why Wade tries to talk his way into being someone instead of letting his truck do the talking. It's a very nice truck as I have said many times before. I like to think I could get along with anyone as long as there up front and truthfull. hanks Jeff P.S.. now let have some smack talk about the 50k race!!!

Jeff, Thank you for your kind words and I feel the same! I was very happy to have finally met you.. You're a great guy and folks spoke highly of you before I got to meet you.. You just confirmed that you were when we met!

Please understand that I'm in NO way trying to tell you or anyone they have to like Wade or what he does.. That would make me the idiot.. Or at least a Bigger one...LOL

All I know is hows he's treated me and same goes for all of you nice folks on here!

I have made Bad judgement calls Many Many times in my life and treated someone a certain way simply because I was programmed to based on what I had heard or read... THEN when I met them in person and was one on one with them, I felt like a Complete A$$ for how I had spoke of them or treated them....

^^ This does NOT apply to folks with one on one first hand knowledge of course... If you met Wade and he rubbed you wrong, then By All means, Have at It!!! I'll be the first to tell someone to go pound sand if they were a total chit bag to me in person...

Thanks again Jeff!! I really hope to see ya and get a chance to buy you a beer in FL this FEB....!! Take care Brother!!

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Hey......... oh look........... omg........another thread about Big Swole :hehe: you post more I's then Greg or Wade :hehe: :hehe: and David you are not a mooch your just a dirty ***** going letting everyone get a slice of ya (or your engine). :hehe:

But no one can deny if you were a bad person or a asshole you wouldn't get the help you do, kind of like a elderly lady needing help across the street. :hehe:
Hey......... oh look........... omg........another thread about Big Swole :hehe: you post more I's then Greg or Wade :hehe: :hehe: and David you are not a mooch your just a dirty ***** going letting everyone get a slice of ya (or your engine). :hehe:

But no one can deny if you were a bad person or a asshole you wouldn't get the help you do, kind of like a elderly lady needing help across the street. :hehe:


I can't believe you Called me a "Little Old Lady"!!!

Damn you "T"!!!!

But Hey!! You got me pegged...!!
I'm a Post HOE!!! Damn Skippy!!! :rockwoot:

Proud of it!! CompD keeps me sane throughout the day and in turn Keeps the Public here in my town having a better day!! :)

Plus... Diverting the focus onto me, Kinda helps those that are getting picked on around here!!

Doing my civic duty for the Forum members!! I'm "SelfLESS"!!


Yeah RIGHT!!!!!
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I met Wade several years ago, also have had to deal with his arrogance and foolishness for years as a lead mod. Even had to ban him on a few occasion, then listen to him cry trying to get back in, only to be banned again for the same stupidity. Leopards don't change their spots, douche bags dont change their hoses. He's up to the same sh!t he always up to and I'm sure sooner or later "Banned" will be in his profile again.

David, you and I have drank a beer or twelve together, you know I too call them like I see um.
There are Many on this forum that have never met me but from what I understand there are several that hate on me for having recieved / accepted help from those very generous folks that offered to help during my bad luck engine issues..

I have not meet you either but I can say several people can just **** off. Haters gona hate.... I feel safe in saying I believe the haters are out numbered around here. :Cheer: