Thread for request to open old locked thread


problems start @80 psi
May 10, 2006
Can we have thrad where everybody can post request to open old thread?

So far I have send PM to some mods to open the tread, but I think it might be easyer if everybody can post the link to locked tread and mods will reopen it.

Also no other posts with comments are not accepted, just request to open the thread.

Something like this: (see the next post )
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It makes me no difference Margus, but I think a PM will get the job done quicker.'

Thread opened BTW.
Or you could "report" a post in a thread you want to be opened asking for it to be opened.
Or you could "report" a post in a thread you want to be opened asking for it to be opened.

I had no idea what the report button can do.

So lets see will it work or not , I did report in old thread :lolly: