to each their own I suppose LOL

not a fan there is an old ford around here that has 4 stacks:bang:badidea:
reminds me of the Fass truck with the dual stacks real close together. i'd still take dual 7inch stacks over that though...
I wonder if he thinks it actually looks good? It looks like the beginnings of a chrome organ to me.
That is gay.:hehe:

Did you read the comments? He tried to defend himself by says everyone else is envyous
LOL that's worse than the "Duramax SS" truck I saw at the Indy Jamboree that had a similar setup, two 4" turnouts on each side.

Either way, it's pretty gay.
I can't believe some of the comments, no respect for a guy who dares to be different, like this one:

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Really....I thought faggot stuff like this was reserved for Ford guys. I can't believe someone would do this. Enjoy getting laughed at."