To late for clay bar


Feb 6, 2008
My truck is a 97, I bought it from a dealer, an old country boy owned it (I was told this by a friend that worked there, not the salesman)

I doubt it has ever been waxed. It didn't look to have been washed real regularly when I bought it. It's on a regular schedule now. I wash it at least every 6 weeks:D I know I've put a lot of little scratches in the clear from driving through the woods/brush. The paint isn't in BAD shape, but not great either.

Lately I've been wanting to claybar the truck, will it just make all the little scratches more visible? Or is it still a good idea?
it the paint is very ruff after its been washed its got alot imbeded in the paint not much of a paint man but clay baring it would take most if not all of that out done my truck before than waxed the chit out of it
It's got an insane amount of stuff in the paint. It definitely needs clayed from that perspective.

I'm just wondering it will make all the little scratches extra visible...
do the baggy test...put your hand in a sandwich bag and run your hand over the paint...if you can feel the bag being pulled or ripped then you know you have stuff embedded in the paint.

wash the truck with dish detergent to remove any oils, waxes, etc, then clay bar it and run the baggy test again, if its smooth and you can proceed with a polish to work out the swirls/scratches or just wax it to protect the paint again.
It's got an insane amount of stuff in the paint. It definitely needs clayed from that perspective.

I'm just wondering it will make all the little scratches extra visible...

It probably wont make the scratches any more visible than they are now just make sure you use lots of lube when you are claying and are kneeding the clay often with how contaminated the paint is on your truck. You may also have to step up to a little more agressive clay than what you can get at Wal Mart or any of the chain parts stores. I use Megs Blue clay which is in between the white (very mild) and the red (agressive) all the time on my truck and get really good results with it.
clay bar it then follow with a good'll be amazed.

X2!! And if you really want to play around a little get some Meg NXT 2.0 and then after thats applied apply Megs #26 Carnuba wax of the top of it. That combo should add quite a bit of depth to the paint as well as protection.
wash the truck ,,, dump the water and soap ,,,, fill the bucket up with lots for soap ,,, i mean ass loads ,,, i used 4gals to one qt of soap ,,, use a wash mitt and start clay baring the truck ,,do one panel at a time .... should work out fine ....


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One other piece of advice cut your clay in half or into thirds in case you drop it. And if you drop the clay chuck it and get a new piece so you dont scratch up the paint.