tooling to cut o-rings and fire rings???


New member
Apr 12, 2008
i have a mill and would like to cut my own o-rings in my block or head, with that being said what kind of boring head and bore bar are the pros using?
ive searched on here and web for hours. ive seen the plates that get bolted on but since i already have a mill id like to use it.
thanks ahead of time
Yes I'm aware of those
I'm looking more for something I can use in my mill to cut them with
A boring head with proper attachments
I have seen them done on a CNC with an endmill of some sort (was in progress so hard to say for sure what it was). But you need a rather large machine to get enough travel to do a whole head without re positioning.

I have seen a homemade contraption (never saw it go, or the end result) but it looked a lot like someone had taken a threading bar (or something similar) from a lathe, and had built a holder for the bar on so it had an adjustable radius, then spun the holder, so the end of the threading bar would make a circle. Hopefully you can picture what I am talking about, if not I will try to ms paint something.

I am not sure I would trust that homemade device, even though the guy swore it worked, I would probably just go with the BHJ setup like everyone else.
This the tool I use with a boring bar My son made me 2 and a print It uses 1mm inserts.
and in use