Tranny Questions?


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Hey I was just wanting to know if anybody had any transmission advice they could give me. I am running on a stock tranny and I am looking to upgrade it without having to buy an entire tranny. What kits are available that will make it be able to hold up to about the 750 mark? Thanks
Hey I was just wanting to know if anybody had any transmission advice they could give me. I am running on a stock tranny and I am looking to upgrade it without having to buy an entire tranny. What kits are available that will make it be able to hold up to about the 750 mark? Thanks

suncoast IV or suncoast V.

the real question is what are you going to do about your motor at 750rwhp. The trans is the least of your worries.

Right now I am just above the 400 mark but I was just wanting to know what tranny upgrades were recommended. I just need something to help me get by for right now. Then when I start moving on up I will deal with the necessary engine parts upgrades needed. But thanks for the info.
I agree with ben do a suncoast III, or IV and dont look back. I also believe the consensus with the duramax, is roughly 500 rwhp, is as far as a person wants to push the stock internals.
over 500 rods thats the biggist thing as well as keying the crank and cam and since you are already there its not a big deal
550-575rwhp is when you start getting into the danger zone, depending how hard you drive it.

Yea suncoast III & IV are the only ways to go. The 500 mark will have you limping the stock tranny all the time with your foot in it. After the tranny upgrade just be happy for awhile and start saving for those rods and whatever else you may wanna do to get you too that 750 mark. I'll tell you ahead of time... 750 doesn't come cheap. Been there, done that...going farther now LOL!
We run ATS . First one lasted a year, however we did beat on it HARD! Installed the Extreme in August, seems to shift well, time will tell. A lot of local guys run Suncoast, heard a lot of postive things about them.
SunCoast IV is the way to go. And you dont have to worry of your engine before tranny is builded. After it rods and studs will be next to fix.
Goerend is the ONLY real way to go.....

are you a dodge guy? That would be like me going in the CR cummins forum and answering a "whats the best tuner" question with "efilive". Dave does great things with dodge tranny's and Ive heard from many that hes a real stand up guy, but as far as I know he does not do much with allisons.

Theres no help in sight for you Austin i mean RedDye. Just sell the truck and buy a honda.LOL
are you looking for the long haul or just keep up with your current setup and small future upgrades
I will keep running my current set up for awhile until more funds can be allocated to the truck. I eventually will go with the EFI Live and never look back...