Turbos and options pricing


New member
Apr 8, 2007
T$, can you break down in a post with pictures of the available individual options you have.

In the S300 & 400 size turbos.
The different Comp covers:
3rd gen, 2nd gen, race covers.
The different available Comp wheels:
62/63/64/66 cast and billet.
The standard and upgraded thrust bearing
The available exhaust housings.
The T3 gated and non gated and the same in the T4.

I can understand that's a lot of pictures and would be very time consuming process but as far as I've seen on ANY site in one place and one post from a vendor it's never been broke down like that. I think a lot of newer potential customers would benefit from the time and effort and be able to see firsthand what they are ordering and buying from you.