User feedback and suggestions


Green Ears & Red Neck
Feb 6, 2013
Ok here goes please find someone whom understands what Competition Diesel is really about to run your Facebook page the chit they are posting is stupid and has absolutely nothing to do with diesel or competition! Rant over carry on :welcome:
Ryder you don't have to "like" the fb page.. unlike it and worry about something "more important".
This is true! I do not understand why it cant be about something that actually relates to diesel or competition. Just my .02$
That's kinda why this website is here. The FB page is just to blow off some steam.
I am fairly new here as far as post no doubt but, if I were someone that was completely new to the sport and I came across the fruit loop bird pecking at a traffic camera as a post by a group named competition diesel, I doubt I would ever look into said web site for anything diesel competition related. Maybe I do not understand where the humor was in said post. Just my opinion
Lemme word it differently then. We don't feel like running 2 websites. This one is for the diesel stuff....FB is a phuck off spot that doesn't necessarily have to be soley devoted to diesel stuff.
Is your personal FB page about nothing but your personal life? If it's like mine it's full of stupid sh!t with a little bit of my life thrown in for good measure.
That makes scene to me, so thanks for the clarification on the facebook account post.
Man a mod has a lot of work ahead of them when one logs in.
Where's mark? He'd have his monthly quota filled reporting all this spam :hehe:
^im tired of tryna report it. It's frezzing up my old azz phone trying to keep up it's like 50 something spam posts from the same user name.
Never heard of them. Froot Loops are the bomb though.
Eat enough of them, for long enough and your poo changes different colors. DAMHIK. :D

Where's mark? He'd have his monthly quota filled reporting all this spam :hehe:

No, it's only 1 user, 1 report will kill the whole mess, if the mods work the way I think they do.
Of course I reported 1 of them, but I also texted a mod.

A mod told me that after a 3 hour stint of reporting spam a few months back.
After that I only have done one per user.

It also makes the Mod's job easier, as once a user has been reported, I guess they look up to see if there are any other spam posts and delete, or lock down, the username.

I'm kind of surprised this current batch popped up during the day like this, but the idiot in question apparently knew there were no mods, supers, or Admins around, so he attacked.

Keep Reporting Spam!

FB is something a Few of us just mess around with, we don't take it serious.
^im tired of tryna report it. It's frezzing up my old azz phone trying to keep up it's like 50 something spam posts from the same user name.

We appreciate all your help with reporting posts for sure. Like Mark said one report per user usually gets the job done.

As for the facebook posts, sorry, not sorry.
Lol I don't have a book face or any other social media compd is enough for me but ill remember to only report a user once thanks guys.